Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Taking a New Approach to Reading in Epping"
This is a short article, but one that I found very interesting after reading Thomas Newkirk's book.  Teachers at Epping Elementary School in New Hampshire have "uncluttered" their curriculum, following Newkirk's sixth literacy principle.  They elected to teach without a basal reader and without teaching guides.  While I've personally heard teachers say they would like to do this, I seriously doubt that most would actually follow through.
The Epping teachers admit that it is more work for them, but they believe it is worth it.  The students' reading and writing scores have improved and they seem more excited about reading and learning.  Instead of teaching guides, teachers observe students and create their own lessons based upon student needs.  How can this not be successful when done with integrity?
Other schools are beginning to incorporate this new reading model also.  Students are allowed to choose books they want to read and are reading more independently.  As a result, the students like to read more.  Obviously, because this involves extra work and judgment by teachers, it takes special people to teach in this environment.  I would personally love the challenge!

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