About Me

Welcome to my Blog! My name is Debbie Lee and I'm an Academic Coach at Colonial Elementary School in Ft. Myers, Florida. I have taught fourth grade and then third grade for the past nine years. Although I absolutely love being in the classroom, I couldn't turn down this opportunity to assist other teachers at my school as they implement the Common Core standards. One of my favorite things to do is come up with lesson plans and I have the privilege of helping many teachers as we integrate reading with other content areas and highler level thinking skills.

I have loved reading since I can remember. In elementary school, I came home in the afternoons and dug into a book. My parents bought me books from the Weekly Reader Book Club when the flyers were handed out at school. I still have some of those books.

Also, as I referred to in my introductory blog, my grandfather left many, many books to me when he passed away. Many are very old, some 150 years old. For as long as I can remember, I have been surrounded by books. Over the years I've collected hundreds more! Now that I have a Kindle I don't even have to wait to go to a bookstore!

One of my favorite things about teaching is making new lessons. Fortunately, with my new position, I am able to work with lots of teachers to make lessons. I try to connect reading skills across the content areas.

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