I've been reading The View From Saturday. This book has been around for years, but for one reason or another I just never picked it up. As I find pretty much the case for so many books, the first chapter didn't really grab my interest. However, once I kept reading, I began enjoying the book. The author wrote it in such a unique style I became intrigued with that as much as anything. A group of students are in an academic contest. With each question, as a child buzzes in to answer, she tells their stories to explain how they know the answers. It also explains during these stories how they came to be a group called "The Souls." These relationships are fascinating. Ms. Konigsburg did an excellent job of making the characters seem real. Students can certainly identify with the four students as they experience and deal with bullying, divorce, loneliness, and being from another country. I should be done reading this book within a day or two. I can hardly wait to see how it ends and everything is tied together!
Noah Gerstrom - He was best Nadia - She learned to love
man at the wedding of Ethan's sea turtles and helped
grandmother and Nadia's rescue them with her
grandfather. grandmother.
Ethan - He was a loner who Julian - He moved to the
finally decided he couldn't U.S. from Great Britain
allow the bullying of Julian after the death of his mom
to go on. and was bullied for dressing
and speaking differently.
Together they form a club and call themselves "The Souls." They have tea (although Ethan can't believe he's attending tea parties and enjoying himself!) and work on projects together. They are named to the team for the Academic Bowl.
More when I finish the book!
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